Sunday, September 19, 2010

Reflections: Why me? For what purpose?

Journal Excerpts: (2/27/07)

Yesterday I found out that I had passed the first down-selection for the Engineering Leadership Development Program (ELDP) at my company. This was on top of the good news that I had already received from my manager that I was receiving a really good raise this year...
... This past weekend I went to Tijuana, and helped at an orphanage. I helped build a house for a family living in a shack...
...What makes me different or anything special? Can I claim all that I have or am is the result of my own will and actions? ... NO! of course not. Yet somehow, for some reason, God has placed me in the midst of abundant blessings. Each day I must remind myself to thank God, and give Him the credit for all that I am.
What's more, I need to seek His purpose in these blessings. I trust that God has so much more in mind that my financial success.
I must seek Him with humility. I must praise His name and trust Him always - though all be taken from me.
His love and His peace are all I need. I pray that I am always rich in these.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010


I still remember sitting in a circle of young adults hearing 2 Peter 1: 5-8 explained and thinking "this really makes sense... this is how to live life".

Fast forward through failures, successes, ups and downs in my life following, and I found myself reading this passage again thinking... "this really makes sense... this is how I NEED to live life".

Crippling migraines and neck aches have been forcing me to re-evaluate my perspective lately. A problem solver by nature and trade, I've been looking into potential causes and trying to root out the major offenders. Stress was a strong suspect. Pushing myself is a way of life for me... As odd as it may sound, extended relaxation is difficult for me. I have a need to feel productive and accomplished. My mind seems to always be considering ways to improve things, accomplish more, streamline... do... do... do...

Reading a medical book on stress a few days ago, I realized that keeping my mind in this constant, rushing phase of productivity was affecting my body as well. Furrowed brow, pursed lips, clenched jaws, yep... I had all the indicators of physical stress. I was reminded to slow done and focus one thing at a time. Patience and faith were needed for the dozen or so things I liked to juggle in my mind as I asked God about the moment I was living in.

"...and to self control, perseverance; and to perseverance, godliness; and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love."

As I've been trying to exercise more self control in this area and learning to be patient, God has been speaking to me about my walk with Him. All that productivity had been crowding out my daily walk with Him. I felt a call to godliness... ah but God calls deeper than that. He's been reminding me that in addition to patience in my circumstances, God placed me on earth interact and share His love with others. 2 Peter 1:5-8 reminds me of this. And while this is stretching and challenging me, I can't help but feel my soul breathe in deeply and say finally.